Top tips on understanding farm data

Data collection is an important part of poultry production. But, without detailed, informed analysis and interpretation, producers are at risk of not using the information provided to its full potential to inform business decisions that help drive bird health, welfare and performance.

Here are some top tips on how to collect, analyse and interpret farm data to get the most out of it.

Collecting farm data

  • Collect as much data as possible – the more data you have, the easier it is to identify and interpret performance trends
  • Collate data from different flocks and sheds so benchmarks can be made to accurately compare production and management parameters
  • Monitor data regularly to ensure any changes or issues in environmental conditions are identified and corrected as soon as possible, before it has a significant impact on health, welfare or performance
  • Ideally data should be checked at least four times a day
  • Use remote monitoring systems available, as the precision of this accurate, real-time data allows for minor differences to be observed that may have otherwise been unidentified

Analysing and interpreting farm data

  • Use this data to support farmer instincts – farmers often have a gut feeling on certain aspects of the business, but using data to back this up adds a level of confidence to the decision(s) being made
  • Make continuous improvements – use data to keep enhancing efficiencies, as what was good five years ago may not be now. It is important to maximise the opportunities available when it comes to genetic potential and market demands, and access to real-time data will allow this to be achieved
  • Take time to look at data in detail – set aside time each day to look at the information being received as the more frequently it is reviewed, the easier it is to interpret the data and the quicker issues can be identified and potential problems resolved.
  • Create graphs and charts that are user friendly and include the data most relevant to your system

In a continually changing sector where genetic potential of birds is evolving, environmental conditions are altering and market demands are shifting, ‘data is king’. But knowing firstly how to collect data accurately and then using it effectively is the biggest hurdle to overcome.

For more information on effective ways to collect, analyse and interpret data visit the website or contact the team on +44 (0)3303 204652 or